Saturday, September 30, 2017

Week 1 - Stephen Wang HW

I did shorter poses to longer ones. I'm having some trouble setting up 2D ribcage and pelvis on angles that show multiple planes. I also have trouble with some details like showing the angle changes on the shoulder without over-detailing it. I feel like the figures are also a bit too stiff.

Hw 1 James

I focused on the head/torso/leg instead of the forearms. I had trouble with how the upper part of the arms connect to the torso when the arms are raised in mannequin form.

HW1 Jonathan Aguillon

Added the simple Mannequin on the left and my attempt at going over the figure on the right. The first set I left as wire frame Mannequin  due to time.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Estevao Chromiec - Homework - Week 01

Here is my homework for week 1. 
I had some difficulties to measure when the figure are very curved or tilted cause the head/neck goes in diagonal and the measures from top to bottom are vertical. I hope you like, thanks. 

Demo and Crit