Friday, October 27, 2017

Homework Week 4 - Estevao Chromiec

Hey Bryan here is my homework for week 04. 
I'd like to thank you for the course. I learned a lot with your classes. 
Thank you.  Estevao Chromiec

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 3 HW James

I tried to apply the interlocking, stacking, wedging, and overlapping. The arms and legs were challenging, especially when they are foreshortened. Also, I'm unsure how the planes of the deltoid connect to the pecs and clavicle.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 3 Jonathan Aguillon

I tried to focus on what we covered last week but I may have gone farther in some places than I think I needed to. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Week 3 - Nic Soszynski HW

Failed on my time management this week.

Homework - Week 3 - Estevao Chromiec

Here is my homework to week 03. How we get more time I did more ones to critique. I focused the in the interlocks, wedges, stacking and overlaps. Thank you. 😊 🙏


Demo and Crit